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Frequently Asked Questions
Questions and answers about Creative Achievements, Social Security benefits, and Ticket to Work / TWC jobs.
What is the Ticket to Work Program?The Ticket to Work program (TTW) is a program funded by the Social Security Administration targeting those on cash benefits, such as SSI and SSDI, to help find employment. With the long-term goal of increasing financial independence and/or getting completely off of government benefits. For more information visit our TTW page.
Is there a fee to participate in either the Texas Workforce Commission or Ticket to Work Program?No.
What type of job can I get?The type of job you get depends on your current skills, interests, and your abilities. For more information please call us anytime 817-238-7802 or contact us by our CONTACT form
Will I get to keep my Social Security income and benefits while I seek work?Even when working, there are separate rules for SSI and SSDI that allow clients to keep their check, but that depends on many factors that we must go over in person. Also, keeping Medicare and Medicaid are definite work incentives we like to go over, in order for clients to get the most out of their individual situation. Creative Achievements makes sure that a thorough benefits analysis is done before clients start their first work day. For more information please visit our TTW page.
What happens if I lose my job with the TTW Program?Social security provides several safety nets along the way, so that you are not punished for trying to work. These include the EPE (extended period of eligibility) EXR (expedited period of reinstatement), etc. The bottom line is that Social Security does not want to penalize you for trying to work. We go over all of these work incentives in our benefits planning program, before you get a job. Contact us now
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